- For some patients, accupuncture may modestly improve white and red blood counts,
- It can stimulate the production of endorphins, which may benefit the immune system, and
- In particular, it may aid in relief of bone and muscle pain.
Dr. Ottomeyer suggested diode infrared therapy for neuropathy. He also stressed that natural medicine such as chiropractic and accupuncture are not a replacement for conventional medicine. Following Dr. Ottomeyer's presentation, members discussed conventional treatments, doctors, transplants, side effects, complementary and integrative treatments, and more. Several new members attended, and everyone learned. |
The St. Paul (east side) group meets monthly in Stillwater. The next meeting of this group will be Wednesday, May 14, 1:00 pm, at the Family Means Center in Stillwater. Please see the side panel for the complete address and a map. Do leave a comment if you have a question.